Thursday, August 9, 2012

Beh Tahan No 2

There's this round where there 2 different brand of same kind of biscuit, so I commented the other brand taste better then another one, but the mother said they are from the same brand as they are now all in the same container, so, I insist they taste different, and remember it is from different brand, the mother still insist there's only 1 brand, then i reiterate, it is different indeed, the mother just beh tahan, and start her usual cursing tone :撞鬼啊你, 讲了是一样的, 不会听啊!!then, the son who bought the biscuit is around also beh tahan, start his voice, "Aiyah, different one, got 2 brands mah, you forgot meh ?", Quickly, the mother change her tone "oh ya ya, different brand, different brand ...", I quickly run away, open the car door and rush back home, before I burst into my "BEH TAHAN" mood ....

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